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L’actualité des carnets de recherche dans le domaine des études africaines

Researching Sudan

CfP: “Young Africans on the Move: Exploring Intra- and Inter-continental Migration Processes and Dynamics”

A hybrid conference will be held from 28 to 30 November 2023 at the Ahfad University for Women, Omdurman (Sudan,),...

Researching Sudan

Séminaire PRODIG “Exploitation de l’or et développement des territoires en Afrique de l’Ouest et au Sahel au début du 21ème siècle”

Cette séance portera sur l’exploitation aurifère au Soudan et elle se tiendra le mercredi 22 mars à 10h du matin...

Researching Sudan

Call for papers: Urban Ecologies of the Lower Nile Valley

The conference “Urban Ecologies of the Lower Nile Valley” is organized from June 11 to 13 by the American University...

Researching Sudan

Seminar and photo exhibition “Never ending (always transforming) irrigation space”.

Mariasole Pepa -Postdoc Researcher, Department of History, Geography and of the Ancient World, University of Padua – will take part in...

Researching Sudan

Appel à candidatures : constitution du bureau Jeunes chercheurs du GIS “Etudes africaines en France”

Le GIS Études africaines souhaite amplifier son appui en direction des jeunes chercheurs en lançant unappel aux doctorant·e·s et et...

Researching Sudan

Walking on Fire: Perambulatory Fieldwork and Shared Interpretation of Date Palm Fires North of the Third Cataract of the Nile (Northern State, Sudan)

Ille, Enrico and Mohamed Salah published an article in 2023 in the review Sources. Materials & Fieldwork in African Studies...

Researching Sudan

Publication : “Lieux de culture, lieux révolutionnaires à Khartoum”

Marcella Rubino (maîtresse de conférence agrégée d’arabe, Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO)) a publié le 4 février...

Researching Sudan

NUSE Seminar : “Cement, Concrete and Bricks in Egypt and Sudan”

A presentation entitled “Cement, Concrete and Bricks in Egypt and Sudan” will take place on Wednesday March 15, 2023 from...

Researching Sudan

Parution du n°5 de la revue Sources

Le dernier numéro de Sources. Matériaux & terrains en études africaines vient de paraître. Ce cinquième numéro de Sources propose une...

Researching Sudan

CEDEJ general seminar: “Leni’s Sudanese adventures”

The Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology- Faculty of Economic and Social Studies in collaboration with CEDEJ are inviting you...

Researching Sudan

Screening : Khartoum offside

In the 2019 documentary film Khartoum Offside, directed by Marwa Zein, a young Sudanese girl sits at a table talking...

Researching Sudan

Exhibition: Sudanese women in History : presence and absence

The archives of the women movement in Sudan, 1940-2010 is a survey project aiming at preserving the material and archives...

Researching Sudan

Round table : collecting archives of the women movement in Sudan, 1940-2010, obstacles and preliminary findings

During this session, adjacent to the exhibition The Sudanese women in historical memory, presence and absence, researchers Eman Othman and...

Researching Sudan

Seminar: “Migration of the soul: a conversation with Khalid Shatta”

An INSPIRE Seminar will take place on Monday 6 March 16:30 – 18:00 with Sudanese visual artist Khalid Shatta. The...

Researching Sudan

Research internship: “Green citizenship urban experiences in the treatment of nature”

CEDEJ Khartoum MEAE/CNRS – USR 3123, the UMR SAGE 7363 University of Strasbourg and the Institut Françaispropose an internship which...

Researching Sudan

Call for papers: “Impossible Archives? Rewriting the Contemporary in Egypt”

The Ifao, the CEDEJ and the AUC are jointly organizing an international conference entitled: Impossible Archives? Rewriting the Contemporary in Egypt.The event...
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